<,div>,Para is one of the very popular injectable anabolic androgenic steroids, which are widely used in bodybuilding France, its active ingredient, trenbolone acetate, have special characteristics for amazing results, both contest preparation and swelling cycles. The use of Para results in the growth of extremely difficult muscles.<,/div>,<,div>,<,br>,<,/div>,<,h3>,Which is used<,/h3>,<,div>,<,br>, <,/div>,<,div>,Culturists highly appreciate Para's ability to burn fat in the body. For this function, it is widely used during the preparation of the competition. In bulking cycles allows Para muscles to grow, as it retains nitrogen from the muscles and facilitates protein production. What's more, it can help muscles regenerate.<,/div>,<,div>,<,br>,<,/div>,<,div>,The new mass is not water, because Para does not cause excessive water retention. This also means that the user's body weight remains the same, although muscle growth.<,/div>,<,div>,<,br>,<,/div>,<,div> , methenolone, nandrolone or oxandrolone to maximize the effect.<,/div>,<,div>,<,br>,<,/div>,<,h3>,France Receive the cycle<,/h3>,<,div >,<,br>, <,/div>,<,div>,A standard daily Parabolan dose for men is 60 mg. For beginners with anabolic androgenic steroids, the maximum of 25 mg. Never use Parabolan for more than 10 weeks. When certain side effects appear, please stop using Para immediately.The product is extremely dangerous for women because its application leads to virilization.<,/div>,<,div>,<,br>,<,/div>,<,h3>,Secondary effects noted in France<,/h3>,<,div>,< ,br>,<,/div>,<,div>,Para is toxic to the liver and kidneys, In extreme cases, it can also lead to cancer. It also reduces endogenous testosterone production and sometimes leads to sexual dysfunction. Among the concerns related to Para may be prostate enlargement or hypertension as well. Acne, headaches, hair loss and increased aggressiveness are common side effects.<,/div>,
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